Creating a static website with Next.js

This post goes into a few details of the problems I came up against while re-creating my website with Next.js. This is not a tutorial, you can find plenty of those around.

What is a static website, anyway?

Put simply, it's a website that doesn't get generated on a server when your browser asks for it. A static website can still run Javascript or have fancy transition effects. Static, in this context, refers to how the content is served and not what the content itself is.

Because I don't want to write my entire website in raw HTML (I'd rather use Markdown, as it's easier to read when writing), I use something to turn my Markdown into a full webpage. I've used Phenomic and React Static in the past. Each library/generator has their own ideas, and it's good to see which ones work for you.

What I wanted

I already had my website set up with React Static in the past, so I wan't exactly breaking ground here. I did have a few things I wanted to do while starting all over again:

  1. Genrate pages statically so they can be served with a plain webserver.
  2. Use MDX. Previously I had hacked in a way of using React components in Markdown, but I wanted to avoid doing that again.
  3. Keep everything looking the same. I already had components for elements like Spoilerspoiler tags that I wanted to keep. I'd even created a replacement for the <img> tag that automatically added captions.
  4. Not have the overhead of having the collections of pages served with every page.

Generating pages statically with Next.js

OK, I'll admit it. I got too far into this rewrite before actually checking this. Luckily for my time management, you can export a static version of your site by adding an entry into your package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "export": "next build && next export"

and running npm run export as part of the build process. All the files will be available in the out/ directory.

MDX in Next.js

MDX is a way of including JSX (a way of including XML in Javascript) in Markdown. The usefulness of all these layers is that you can now include React components in the rest of the content of the page (such as the spoiler tag I used as an example above).

There is a plugin for using MDX with Next.js. You'll need to create a next.config.js in the root of the repository, and add something similar to the following:

const mdxGenerator = require("@next/mdx");

const mdxOptions = {
  options: {
    remarkPlugins: [
      require("remark-emoji") // :tada:
    rehypePlugins: [
      require("@mapbox/rehype-prism") // Syntax highlighting
const withMDX = mdxGenerator(mdxOptions);

module.exports = withMDX({
  // Any Next.js options you need

I've also shown how to include plugins for MDX in that example, so now you don't need to scroll through another screen's height of blog post to see that.

Using existing React components in a new React framework

I could recap what I did previously before MDX was a big thing, but the original post I wrote has enough detail.

The MDX package for React exports a Context provider that allows you to specify a mapping of element names to React components. This allows me to use the replacements I have for <a> and <img> elements that I used on the previous version of this website.

import {MDXProvider} from '@mdx-js/react';

// App.tsx
const componentsMap: ComponentMap = {
  a: Link,
  img: MdImage,

// ...

render() {
  // ...
  <MDXProvider components={componentsMap}>
    {/* ... */}
  // ...

Since I want to use more components than just replacements for existing HTML elements, I still need a way of including others. Previously this was done by adding more entries to the map, but now I'm using MDX: I can just import them and use them.

import LargeLink from '../../components/LargeLink';

<LargeLink href="" title="An example link"/>

Indexes and listing pages statically

With two of the issues out of the way, it's time to tackle the collections of pages.

All was going well up until this point. This particular thing, which sounds so simple, was by far the most challenging aspect of rebuilding the website.

All I wanted was to list all pages in the directory on the indexes (e.g. list all posts on /posts). There's a couple of steps to this:

  1. Get a list of pages
  2. Get the metadata for the pages

Step 2 is kinda important, as I want to include the theme colour or main image of a post in that link on the /posts page. The problem is that I can't ask the page to get all of the pages when it's in the browser, as the browser doesn't know. I could have a server running that has a list of all the pages (such as a CMS), but then it's not a static website.

So all this had to be done at build time. It could be done as a pre-build step, but that just doesn't feel right. So, I did some Googling.

If there's anything to take away from this post, it's that the following people are awesome:

There'll be other propler out there who deserve thanks as well, and I hope they recieve it. For now I'll leave a link to how I solved the problem of getting the metadata from all of the posts.

My implementation of using preval to list posts

Why does this post exist

So that maybe, one day, someone makes the same decisions I did, and is wondering what problems they may come up against in creating a static website with a framework that wasn't originally designed for it. Maybe they'll find this post useful, like I found Juan's post and Max's website. And maybe they'll share their experiences and challenges. If you're reading this post, then that person might just be you.